Saturday, May 21, 2011
Date: Saturday, May 7th? (It's been awhile)
Group Members: Tara Pearch and Shelisa Parkin
This was an ok walk. It passed through some pretty parks, but it wasn't very exciting. We were eager to find the house where the Bloomsbury group met, but we accidentally took a picture in front of the wrong building, and felt pretty silly! The coolest part of the walk by far was Dicken's house, where he wrote The Pickwick Papers and Nicolas Nickleby. It's interesting imagining what London must have been like in his day, to picture all of the poverty and injustice that plays such a large part in his stories. This walk also included the British Museum and the Hospital for Sick Children (as opposed to the one for healthy children!).
Bankside and Southwark
Date: May 20
Group Members: Sarah Smith, Jason Hamilton
This was my favorite walk yet! The walk led through Borrough Markets, past a pirate ship(Sir Francis Drake's), past the Globe, along the bank of the Thames, across Tower Bridge, and around the Tower of London. My favorite part was walking by the tower of London (I'm a big fantasy fan, and get a strange thrill out of crennelation. I was also fun walking across Tower Bridge since it's such an iconic London landmark, and I loved the hot carmelized peanuts I bought at the end of the bridge! Every part of this walk was beautiful and exciting, and I really loved it!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Lambeth and the South Bank
Date: May 6th
Group Members: Jason Hamilton, Molly Clemens
This walk started out in kind of a ghetto part of town, but quickly became one of the most beautiful walks we've done. Archbishop's Park was lovely, and Lambeth Palace was really cool, small and hidden away right by the river. And, of course, the walk by the river was amazing- we did it just as the sun set over the Thames behind Big Ben. The riverside was full of life today- there was a festival going on at the royal festival hall (though maybe that happens all the time, considering its name...) There was even a little man-made beach overlooking the river, so people can pretend they're on a real beach somewhere! It also goes by the National Theatre, which isn't the prettiest building but it is an important feature of London. This is a picture of our group in Archbishop's Park next to some awesome shrubbery.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
St. Paul's and Fleet Street
Date: May 3
Group Members: None (I walked this one by myself)
I actually really loved this walk, and I'm kind of glad I chose to do it by myself, because I was able to just relax and enjoy the atmosphere of that part of the city. Fleet Street is where all of the newspapers used to be, but that wasn't quite as exciting for me- I liked the churches that I passed, and of course, St. Paul's. I also thought that the Arms College was pretty cool. It was fun to do this just before our tour of St. Paul's- what an awesome building! This picture is me in front of St. Paul's.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Date: May 2nd
Group Members: Emily King, Corey Jensen, and Kelsey Thompson
I knew this was going to be a great walk when I got out of Westminster Station and saw Big Ben towering above me. It was absolutely breathtaking. I loved this walk- it led us by Buckingham Palace, Parliament (and Big Ben, of course) and Westminster Abbey, which I actually hadn't seen yet. This whole area is so beautiful, from the solidness of the white stone to the graceful swoops of Westminster's flying buttresses. I loved that we finished just after it got dark, too, so we ended with Big Ben lit up beautifully. This is a picture of me in front of Big Ben at night. A really great walk
Central Parks
Date: May 1st
Group Members: Haley Hill, Jason Hamilton, Laura Hilton
We finished this walk on our way to church on Sunday morning, with Laura leading. It was a beautiful walk, with beautiful weather for us as well. My favorite part of this walk was probably the big arches we passed under, especially the Wellington arch. It was built to celebrate British victories in the Napoleonic Wars, and it was really cool. It wasn't very big, but it was really different from the kinds of landmarks we have in America. I also really like the lane we walked down that had gorgeous trees that went right into Buckingham Palace. It was just a really pretty walk, especially for a Sunday morning!
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